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from Boston USA with the Frenchmarketers team : Omni-Channel Orchestration & Experience Interaction Management in B2B. By Hervé GONAY, founder of Getplus and co founder of Ensemble B2B
Interacting with your customers in an appropriate manner drives retention, migration, loyalty and growth. Being able to deliver an appropriate offer – at the right time, via the right channel, and with data-driven relevance – makes all the difference in satisfying your customer or target audience in B2B. in this Blog post, we explore how to leverage traditional and emerging data sources with analytically-driven marketing to optimize customer and prospect interactions. Analytically-led marketing; Multichannel campaign management; Real-time decisioning
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The average company uses 4.5 channels of engagement
Primary data sources are direct from customer via websites
The top challenges are :
  • maximizing customer experience ROI
  • achieving a single view of the customer
  • building new customer experiences
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The omni channel challenges come from :
  • integration
  • complexity
  • organization
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The best B2B companies benefit by optimizing customer journeys 
  • greater sales team ability to attain quotas
  • greater increase on NPS net promoter score
  • greater improvments of ROMI Return on Marketing Investment
Customer trends in B2B Marketing
  • Social : promote your brand and connect with your audience
  • Content : Right offers and right information in the right time and at the right place
But the real challenge is in orchestrating the customer experience across all channels so that it is seamless, integrated and consistent
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In B2B, the path to purchase is complex
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Why should  we optimize each and any interaction with the customer ?
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So how can we implement Omni channel orchestration ?
  • Robust Customer Information : Expanded customer data beyond marketing touch points 
  • Customer Analytics with Centralized customer analytical environments
  • Coordinated Customer Execution : Central, coordinated decisioning to understand, manage and optimize client experience
The answer could be a Marketing Data Hub
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